Friday, May 30, 2008

We're Done!

that's right.. servite seniors took our last final today at 9:30, and we finished at 10:50. we're done with school. we're done with crazy ass teachers that want to fail us. we're done with huge lunch prices that raise one quarter every freakin month. we're done with our big ass buzz kill principal. we're done with getting out at 2:45 everyday when seniors in public schools are getting out at 12 everyday. we're done with all that sh*t.

getting ready to be tortured during our last high school final.

we went ape sh*t when the dean went on the intercom and released the seniors for good. here's some of the aftermath of our destruction.

ahh. one more week till graduation. and that one more week is gunna be the one of the best weeks of all of high school: senior week. :)


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