there was an assembly at school today about drunk driving. im guessing its to try to scare us out of doing it on prom night, which is saturday. they had a real court come and carry out sentencings of real DUI convictions. it was all real. the judge, the baliff, lawers, defendants, cases... everything. i couldnt take pics of that cuz the school theater was considered a real court room during that time period. then they had speakers come talk to us and try to convince us not to drink and drive. u know, "its not worth it", "you dont have to get drunk to have fun", blah blah blah. all the regular stuff. but then a mom of a girl, gillian sabet who died in a car accident on the way to a prom came to speak to us. jill was actually a girlfriend of someone from servite, Jonathan Schulte, who also died in the crash. she talked to us and begged us to stay safe while driving. she and her husband actually started a program called journey safe, which is basically an organization in the memory of jill and jonathon to help teens become aware of the dangers of driving, which would hopefully save lives. i couldnt get a picture of that presentation either, well because one, i forgot my camera, and two, i probably wouldnt, because of the tension of the moment.
well anyways, on a lighter note, after school, when i got home, my kuya mikko decided to drop by before his class. we went to mickey D's on orangethorpe and moody while by brother went to his tutoring.
$7.56 for 2 double cheeseburgers, 2 mcchicken sandwiches, 2 small fries, and one small drink.
we saw these two little kids eating ice cream cones and decided that went wanted one. the change in my car could only buy us one.
we played rock paper scissors for it. he won. damnit. eff my life.
if ur starting to think that im a fatass for eating fastfood all the time, well, i got nothing to say to that, but, yeah, ur right.
a little later around 5:30 i had a key club banquet i hada go to. i showed up fashionably late.. around 6:30. i guess it was alright. it was kind of a bust though. no dance party.
after, we decided to head over to bpm and chill, i guess.
my homie jonas hooked us up with some cold stone. freakin boombbbb.
yunji's childish ice cream..
then i went home and i found out i have a f**king F in physics. what the effff?!?!?!!? i got 6 days left to get that ish up. like i said.. eff my life...
...but i got a little cheered up when i saw bobby hundred's video of kanye west droppin some fresh rhymes at the g-shock 25th-annual anniversary party in new york... check it out.
KANYE SAVES THE WORLD. from Bobby Hundreds on Vimeo.
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