
troy kanto's last dr. pepper during break.

emils last donut.

my last servite burrito.

my last arizona ice tea.

last physics class ever. finally.

what the fuck. 10/20... now im gunna have to ace the final just so i could pass physics for the semester. eff my life.

last servite lunch. homemade sandwich and cheeze-its.

then i guess we seniors decided that we wanted to plan something crazy to make our last lame lunch awesome.


i guess mr katnic wanted a turn with our guns.

a pretty crappy picture of our attack. it was pretty much done by the time i cold get a pic out of all the camotion.

we were waiting for the freshman so we could bombard them with water balloons. i took a video of us "darkening the sky with our water balloons". you'll see them posted probably tomorow. im too tired right now.
chillin, instead of going to class.

only at servite.

our target.

tha' heat.

katnic crackin' down on some mofo's.

john and loren with tha' heat.

dr. hawkins. coolest theology teacher ever.

ohhh sh*t. me and troy bein gangsta.

holy crap. last period of the day we still had to do work. even though mr. tarpley is the best sub ever.

after school, my homies ryan nicholas and colin wu saved me a ticket for the passion performance that sold out at oxford acadamey in the cypress area. he played a medley of songs, then his songs, more of you, my first love, well done, and his classic, lemonade.

like i said, ill probably post the videos tomorow cuz im feenin ta be going to sleep right now. XD
oh yeah, lakers win AGAIN! they worked the spurs this time, 101-71. the lakers lead the series, 2-0. MY prediction is lakers take the series 4-1. theyre gunna lose on sunday at san antonio, then steal a win the game after. then they come back home and win at staples, becoming the western confrence champions. but you never know with the spurs. f**k tim duncan and his boring bank shots, and tony parker with his tear drop shots and desperate house wife.

OH, and then just a while ago, i found out my iphone's vibrator is fucked up, and it makes a buzzing noise everytime it vibrates. i looked up the problem and it seems that this is a very common problem that can happen even with the most careful handling of the phone. people that have this problem take it back and recieve a new iphone. f**k! now i gotta take my iphone back to the apple store on sunday at 2:45 PM. they better give me a new one, or ima go ape shit on their asses.
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