Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"What are you, a McCain voter?"

the infamous show, SOUTH PARK, found it appropriate to devote an episode to the aftermath of the election. and you know what? it was perfect. haha.

it started out with showing Obama giving his acceptance speech, and Stan's dad celebrating as he's watching the speech on TV.

"we did it! Obamaaaa! yes we can! yes we effing can!!!!"

then it shows the McCain supporters starting to worry about the end of the world because Obama was elected.

"LOSERS! LOSERS! yeah Obamaaaa!!!"

they make you think that McCain and Obama are going to throw it down...

but really, they were working together the whole time!

while everyone is distracted by celebrating or worrying about a future disaster,

Obama, McCain, and the rest of them are really some sort of a "Ocean's 11" world class thief crew, plotting to steal some diamond from the smithsonian. hah. what the hell.

Palin was doing press covering up for McCain. haha. sounded exactly like her too.

Obama is supposed to be the leader of the group (...just because hes black). jk.

it ends with the crew making off with the diamond, and when theyre all about to board the plane to some getaway island, obama decides to stay, and "try the whole president thing out for a change." he even convinces michelle, his pretend wife (but wife in real life), to stay.

there was so much more to the episode, like kyle's brother jumping out of a one-story window because he was a McCain supporter, a bunch of Obama supporters getting effed up, and a bunch of McCain supporters fighting over space in a bunker that is supposed to keep them safe while the world is destroyed because of Obama.

there was a part when Stan called the police to file a noise complaint because of the loud obama voters. when the cop comes and trys to break up the street party, stan's dad says, "hey, we dont have to listen to you! obama is president now! everything is changed! what are you? a McCain voter?!?!" ....hilarious.

i would have taken more pics, but i was way too interested in just watching the show.


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