Thursday, June 18, 2009

What's the point, really?

there really is no point for wisdom teeth. they come in ripping through your gums, messing up ur teeth line, and they come in so far into your mouth, you don't even use them to chew. then you get them pulled out, and it sucks. if you're lucky, you'll be put to sleep... i wasn't lucky. i went through some hard pain (bearable pain, but it's pain), and now i have to follow all these rules so that the gigantic holes in my gums won't screw me over. like you can do anything that could cause suction in your mouth, like spitting, or using a straw, cuz it could cause a "dry socket"... and apparently that's bad. you also can't eat lots of foods, cuz for one, you can't really chew for a while, and two, some foods might get stuck in the holes. so yeah, getting your wisdom teeth pulled out pretty much sucks.

im gunna be eating this and jello for a long time... trust me, this doesn't cut it after a while.

the worst part is, my bottom two wisdom teeth are so fucked up, that i gotta get dental surgery. so im gunna have to go through this BS twice.


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