Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Final Finale.

i dont know if ive told you guys, but i have TWO finals today. i just got back from taking one, my psychology one. its kinda pointless cause im not a psych major anymore, so the class just counts as an elective now. AND, i really think i owned that final.

so theres one more, ASIAN ART. at 3:30 pm today (coming up in 2 hours). yeah, you should know by now, i HATE that class. the final is a b*tch too.

i have to memorize information for 30 paintings, and prepare for two essays (as if the 30 paintings isnt enough). so i made these notecards with each painting, and ive been studying for honestly, 2 days.

my 30 companions for the past 2 days.

i have to be able to see this,

and be able to spit out this on paper.

oh yeah, i have to know that, along with a bunch of political historical crap. fml.


1 comment:

loreerose said...

oh shit. hope you killed the final!